Clinical cases
Kaposi’s sarcoma located in irradiated area for breast cancer – case presentation
Kaposi’s sarcoma is usually a multicentric vascular neoplasia. The authors present a case of Kaposi’s sarcoma located on the irradiated breast for cancer.

Clinical case.
A female patient, 75 years old, presents angiomatous, infiltrative, violaceous plaques and tumors on the right breast, the lesions occurred three months ago.
Seven years ago, the patient suffered a lumpectomy with axillary dissection for an invasive ductal carcinoma on the right breast. The treatment was completed with 25 sessions of breast radiation therapy, and a 5 year-treatment with Tamoxifenum 20 mg/day.
The histopathologic exam established the Kaposi’s sarcoma diagnosis, and there were no clinical or paraclinical signs of visceral involvement.
We made cryotherapy for the infiltrative plaques and electrosurgery for tumor lesions.

Kaposi’s sarcoma, associated with an iatrogenic immunodepression, is more frequently at patients with organ transplant, but it may also be observed in under-chemotherapy lymphoma cases. It is possible that the local immunodepression permits the occurrence and progression of Kaposi’s sarcoma.

Kaposi’s sarcoma located on the irradiated breast for cancer may be the consequence of the local immunodepression. Although the Kaposi’s lesions are radiosensitive, the radiotherapy is excluded in those cases of treatment.