Biological treatments between hope and caution
Clinical trials and experimental
Treatment with low doses of isotretinoin in moderate acne
Anatomically adapted reconstruction of the nasal ala
Compressive therapy combined with topical flebotropics - a new therapeutic approach in chronic venous disease
Local methods used in nasal pyramid reconstruction after skin tumors excision in plastic surgery department of recovery hospital Cluj-Napoca
Clinical cases
Urticarial vasculitis associated with castleman’s disease, the localised form - a case report
Familial lichen planus
Pterygium unguium. Discussions on three unusual cases
Frontal fibrosis alopecia: observations on two cases
Kaposi’s sarcoma induced by treatment with chemotherapy for breast carcinoma – clinical case
Kaposi’s sarcoma located in irradiated area for breast cancer – case presentation
General reviews
Intervention of oxidative stress in ethiopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis – review
Can diet influence the dermatological conditions? I. restrictive diet
HPV vaccination to prevent the cervical cancer
Calcium role in melanocyte physiology and pathology
Considerations on keratolytics and reductors in topical psoriasis therapy