Clinical cases

Sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis (SLP) is an underestimated condition due to the asymptomatic character and spontaneous regression. It was described by Hoffman in 1923 and in her appearance the mechanical trauma is incriminated, especially during prolonged or brutal sexual contacts. Currently there is a dispute whether SLP and Mondor’s disease represent the same entity or different entities as well as a dispute over the origin of vessels involved: lymphatic or venous. Venous origin hypothesis is the one that currently dominates because of the positive CD 31 and CD 34 of the affected vessels.

Clinically, SLP appears as a hard cordon, straight or serpinginos, located below and parallel to the balanopreputial furrow, most often in the dorsal part of the penis. SPL diagnosis is a clinical diagnosis that can be completed by performing a penile Doppler ultrasound, biopsy being rarely necessary. The differential diagnosis must be made with Mondor’s disease, venereal penile lymphangitis, inflamed epidermoid cyst, granuloma annulare, etc. In evolution, SLP regresses spontaneously usually within 2-3 weeks, if persistent or frequent relapses of the lymphatic cordon it can be surgically removed.