General reviews
Severe acne variants and acne-associated syndromes
Severe acne variants – 8 severe acne variants will be discussed in this section : 1. Acne conglobata, 2. Inverse acne, 3. Keloid acne of nape, 4. Hydradenitis suppurativa, 5. Pyoderma faciale, 6. Gram-negative folliculitis acne,
7. Acne fulminans, 8. Pyoderma gangrenosum-acne.
Acne-associated syndromes - Acne, one of the most common skin disorders, is also a cardinal component of many systemic diseases or syndromes: 1. CAH syndrome = congenital adrenal hyperplasia-acne, 2. SAHA syndrome = seborrhea-acne-hirsutism-androgenetic alopecia, 3. PCO syndrome = polyycistic ovary-acne, 4. HAIR-AN syndrome = hyperandrogenism-insulin resistance-acanthosis nigricans-acne, 5. APERT syndrome = auto-somal dominant-acne-acrocephalosyndactyly, 6. SAPHO syndrome = synovitis-acne-pustulosis-hyperostosis-osteitis, 7. PAPA syndrome = pyogenic arthritis-pyoderma gangrenosum-acne.