Clinical cases
Hypertrofic lichen planus
Lichen planus is defined as a papulosquamous pruritic dermatosis of inflammatory origin, occurred via cellmediated immunity, with cutaneo-mucous involvement, presenting with an acute or often, chronic evolution, frequently self-limiting and usually, benign. Hypertrophic lichen planus represents a form of disease with a prolonged evolution, that is clinically characterized by an intense pruritus, and preferential distribution of the lesions on the inferior limbs, especially around the ankles, a location which, in many cases, is considered to be in relation with chronic venous insufficiency [1,2,3,4].
In the current paper we present the case of a 50-yearold female patient, known to have cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric associated conditions, diagnosed with histologically confirmed hypertrophic lichen planus, who has once again been admitted into our clinic following the appearance of an intensely pruritic hyperkeratotic plaque located on the right calf, the lesion suggesting a relapse of the previously diagnosed disease.