Clinical cases

Lymphangiomas are benign lymphatic proliferations, caused by hyperplasia of the lymphatic system, which can extend to cutaneous and subcutaneous level or to internal organs. Among these, lymphangioma circumscriptum is the most common form. It can be primary or secondary.
We present the case of a 13-year-old female patient, who presented with an eruption over the left buttock and over the proximal part of the left posterior thigh, just under the left buttock, evolving for 11 years, consisting of yellow vesicles, disseminated or grouped into plaques. The histologic examination confirmed the clinical suspicion of lymphangioma circumscriptum. Considering the asymptomatic lesions and the refusal of the surgical treatment, the lesions were only clinically monitored. After 18 months, the aspect was unchanged, without any complications.