Primary cutaneous CD30 lymphoproliferative
disorders are the second most common group of cutaneous
T-cell lymphomas (CTCLs), accounting for approximately
30% of CTCLs. Patients typically present with an
asymptomatic solitary skin nodule that may be ulcerated,
present anywhere on the body as a solitary nodule or
multifocal nodule. Histologically, large tumor cells with an
anaplastic, pleomorphic and immunoblastic cytomorphology
characterize C-ALCL with more than 75% of
the tumor cells expressing CD30. C-ALCL has an indolent
course with an excellent prognosis (5-year survival rate
exceeds 95%) with good response to treatments such as
local radiotherapy, methotrexate or surgery.
We report the case of a 61-year-old man, who presented
witha right gluteal ulceration, 4 cm/5 cm in diameter, along
with multiple red-violaceous nodules, 1-3cm in diameter,
located on the chest and right flank, treated with local
antibiotics and local corticosteroids, without an improved