Clinical cases


Pilomatricoma (pilomatrixoma) is a tumor that originates from the matrix of the hair follicle. It is the most common follicular tumor, and also the most frequent skin tumor of the child. The incidence of pilomatricoma shows two main peaks: in the first two decades of life and in the sixth decade.
Clinically it presents as a firm or hardened nodule with dimensions of about 1 cm with slow evolution usually located on the face and sometimes on the upper limbs. The clinical signs encountered in pilomatricom are: the tent sign, „teeter-tother sign“, skin crease sign that allows the diagnosis in 50% of cases. Histologically, the presence of „shadow cells“ that preserve the structure of the cell membrane and traces of the nuclei is characteristic. Dermatoscopic white-yellow structures, white streaks and vascular structures appear.
The evolution is benign, and the treatment is surgical.