Clinical trials and experimental
Atopic dermatitis and asthma in corellation with cytokines level
There is evidence for reduced production of IFN-γ by T cells in asthmatic and AD (atopic dermatitis) patients, and this correlates with disease activity. This appears to be a feature of atopic diseases and is not specific to asthma. This suggests that IFN-γ production may be important asthma.

The objective of the study is to evaluate the level of serological IFN-γ in asthmatic, AD and both asthmatic and AD patients, compare the results with healthy control lot and verify the association between AD and asthma.

Patients and methods: 
The study was performed in Tikrit Teaching Hospital during March till the end of september 2009. A total of eighty-five patients were taken into study. This included 40 patients with asthma, 23 patients with AD, 22 patients with asthma and 15 apparently healthy individuals as control group. A blood sample (5 ml) was collected from each patient and control. The sample was divided into two parts: 3 ml to determine IFN-γ and 2 ml to determine total WBC and eosinophils.

The results of the study demonstrated that AD is more common in patients with less than 9 years old, asthma is more common in 20-29 and 29-30 years while both AD asthma, more common in 30-39 years old. Eosinophil count was higher in those with AD asthma and serum IFN-γ was higher in those with asthma. Total WBC did not show significant difference between the studied

Our study extend the findings observed for asthma and AD and suggests that deficient IFN-γ release is a general feature of the disease, also the study indicates that the degree of the deficiency in IFN-γ release might be related to disease activity.