Instructions for authors

1. Goals and objectives

The Dermatovenerologia Journal is the official Journal of the Romanian Society of Dermatology and Venereology. The Journal is intended to contribute to the medical progress of Dermatology and Venereology, approaching all aspects of this field. The Journal releases four issues every year, in bilingual editions (Romanian and English). The expected time of publication of a paper after its submission is usually three months. The articles must be submitted in both the Romanian and English versions. The authors who are not acquainted with the Romanian language will send the articles in English. The translation of the Romanian articles, abstract or whole text, depending upon the case, will be left to the editors.

The Journal of Dermatology is a peer review journal that accepts the following articles:

  • Editorials, three pages maximum after consulting with the editorial board;
  • Original research articles, ten pages maximum (clinical and experimental studies, therapy management issues);
  • Clinical cases, six pages maximum;
  • Synopses, ten pages maximum;
  • Letters to the editor, book reviews, announcements (scientific manifests, reports and other events);

In order to ease the process of article publishing, the authors are invited to carefully read the following instructions, in the interest of making sure that the papers are edited correctly.

2. How to send an article

The authors are invited to send the printed articles to the editor to the following address:

Societatea Romana de Dermatologie, Spitalul Clinic Colentina, Soseaua Stefan cel Mare nr.19-21, 020125, Sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania, Tel./Fax: 021-3107348

Or via e-mail: or

3. Manuscript preparation

General requirements

The text of the article will be written in both English and Romanian, on one column, in Word format, a size 12 font, with 1.5 line spacing. The content of the article should be listed in the following order: 1. Title; 2. Abstract; 3. Main text; 4. Acknowledgments; 5. References; 6. Tables, figures (images), diagrams.
The pages, including the references, will be numbered.

1. Title

The title page content:

a. the title of the article written in bold, capital letters, for example: PSORIASIS EPIDEMIOLOGY
b. first and last names of each author written in small, bold, italic letters, followed by the affiliation of each author with superscript font. For example:
Oana Popescu1, Ion Ionescu2

The affiliation addresses of the authors will be mentioned in small letters, for example:
1. University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest,
2. Department of Dermatology, Elias Emergency University Hospital
c. the address, telephone/fax and email address for correspondence

2. Abstract and key words

The abstract should have a maximum of 300 words and should briefly state the aim of the research, the main results and main conclusions.

After the abstract, a maximum of six key words will be mentioned, preferably selected from the Index Medicus or Excerpta Medica Index.

3. Main text

The main text must include the following sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.

4. Acknowledgments

After the main text and before the references, any grant or funding support will be mentioned. It should be clearly specified if the article was sponsored by a company or if there are any conflicts of interest that could bias the published data.

5. References
References should be numbered in the order of their insertion in the text, each reference consisting of the authors’ last name, followed by the initials of their first names for the first three authors; the title of the paper in the original language; the abbreviated form of the journal (in accordance to the general abbreviation from Index Medicus) written in italic font; year of publication; first and last page numbers. For example:
1. Scarabello A, Leinweber B, ArdigoM et al. Cutaneous lymphomas with prominent granulomatous reaction: a potential pitfall in the histopathologic diagnosis of cutaneous T and B-cell lymphomas. Am J Surg Pathol 2002; p 1226-1259

For book references the last name of the authors should be mentioned, followed by the initials of their first names, chapter title, book title in italic font, names of the editors with initials, publishing house, publication year, first and last page numbers of the quoted text. For example:

2. Howard A. White Jr C.R. Non-infectious Granulomas In Dermatology by Bolognia J, Jorrizo J, Rapini R eds, Mosby, 2003, 1455 -1468.

6. Tables, figures and diagrams

Tables, figures and diagrams will follow this order on separate pages at the end of the article using Arabic numbers. Each should have a title and a legend. Figures should be in colour, in high resolution (150 dpi), in tiff or jpeg format. The identity of the patients appearing in the photos will not be disclosed or the authors should have written consent for publication.

Articles submitted to publish have to fullfill the following criteria:

  • All the articles will be peer reviewed and the publication approval will be given by reviewers chosen from the journal's scientific committee. Their opinion will be communicated to the authors.
  • Articles sent to the editorial staff have to be original and unpublished before (either partially or completly) and are not to be assesed by another journal at the same time.
  • If the articles contain schemes, figures, tables or paragraphs from other articles, the article's submitted authors are expected to have permission to use them. Also, the authors must make sure the text is not defamatory or doesn’t infringe copyrights.
  • Experiments with human subjects presented in the articles have to obide by the ethic standards according to the Helsinki Declaration. Authors have to have the Instiution's ethic committee's agreement where the experiment took place and also the patients’ signed informed consent. Studies performed on animals have meet specific regulations.
  • Authors need to avoid any conflict of interest and to specify at the end of article, if necessary, the founding source.
  • By publishing the article, the author transfers the right of reproducing it to the Romanian Society of Dermatology. The articles cannot be copied in full or partially without written consent of the Dermatovenerologia editorial staff.
  • The views expressed in published articles do not reflect the editors’, scientific comitee's or Dermatology Society's views. Commercial content is not considered an approval by the editors, scientific committee or the Romanian Dermatologic Society.

Authors and co-authors have to declare any conflicts of interest. The statement must contain their name, first author's address, the article's title, names of other authors, first author's signature and date. The author needs to declare the originality of article an that the final form of the article was not published before, printed or electronically.

If the article has more then one author, each of them needs to declare any conflicts of interest. Complete statement can be sent via fax or post office at the specified address.